UltraViolet UltraViolet UltraViolet UltraViolet UltraViolet


Today’s digital media marketplace for content is deeply fragmented into closed, mutually-exclusive domains of content, devices, networks, and services. What’s purchased from one online retailer doesn’t always play on all players, nor can it always be used or stored into a different content library.

UltraViolet is the consumer-facing brand of the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem, LLC (DECE), a cross-industry consortium formed in 2008 to address the lack of interoperability in the digital media supply chain. The 60+ companies behind UltraViolet believe the time has come to help people future-proof their digital media libraries.

The ability to consolidate a digital content collection in a central, accessible place presents significant added value to consumers buying a movie electronically. Neustar is working with the DECE to build a cloud-based "Digital Rights Locker" system for consumers. This Digital Rights Locker will allow consumers to collect and watch their digital media in a rewarding and innovative way, providing them with ultimate freedom, functionality, and confidence.

Simply put, UltraViolet is "publish once, buy once, play anywhere" for movies.

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What UltraViolet Is
UltraViolet is the platform for a new digital media ecosystem that encompasses consumers, service providers, retailers, distributors, technology providers, and content owners.

Consumers have a digital rights locker – one place in the cloud to access their library of digital media.

Service ProvidersService Providers:
Service Providers have the ability to offer new business models to existing on-demand services. UltraViolet will enable service providers to allow their subscribers to access their digital media libraries from within existing content user interfaces and programming guides.

Retailers have an open marketplace for media - one that's cross-platform from the beginning and interoperates with all devices, retailers, services, and formats.

Studios and Content OwnersStudios and Content Owners:
Studios and Content Owners have a unified, secure platform for selling digital media and for packaging digital content with physical media. UltraViolet rationalizes the supply chain for digital distribution, reducing clutter with a standardized file format and solving consumer confusion.

Find out more about UltraViolet: www.uvvu.com »
